On 13th November I went to London and visited The Chocolate Factory. I didn't know what to expect, in my mind I thought we would see how the Chocolate was going to be made and could buy some chocolate at the end as gifts, but I was wrong.
The Chocolate Factory was in Westfield Shopping Centre. We had to wait in the first room when we were allowed in.
The room was lovely and bright.
Once everyone had arrived for the time slot, we went up the stairs and then waited at the bottom of another set of stairs.
This guy came and greeted us, who started being theatrical about Chocolate and ended up in this lovely little room in which we could not eat the lollies of the tree.
But we could get lollies out of the holes in the fake bush.
On to the next room, we met this lady and could taste some chocolate at the testing station.
After this section, we went to another room which was a massive ball pit. The Children and some Adults went in to make the machine work as it wasn't working.
When the time was up in this area, we went to the next section, which was quite funky and got some more chocolate.
After this area, we made the final section, where they handed some lovely Chocolate Coins.
After the Chocolate Factory, I decided to head back to Paddington, searching for little Venice, which I didn't realise existed until a friend told me.
I decided to have a bite to eat here before heading to Hyde Park. It was nice to explore this area of London, and it was quieter, which suited me better.
Hyde Park is huge; I only covered a tiny section but will go back again when the days are longer.
After my walk, I headed back to Paddington Station to head home.